Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

A Technology Enabled Future – The Impact of Digitisation

January 4, 2016

It’s been a month since we held the Cisco Irish Partner Forum and in the wind down to Christmas I’ve taken a little time to reflect on the day. The feedback we’ve received since the event has been hugely positive and a credit to all the people involved in pulling it together.

After listening to Tom long, Cisco Ireland’s Head of Technology Strategy and Alison Vincent, Cisco UK and Ireland CTO, no one could  have any doubts about the impact that digitisation is having on every business. I’m certainly of the opinion that a technology enabled  future will look very different from how it is today. While Digitisation was undoubtedly the theme for the day there was a lot of discussion around the benefit of building  eco systems or partnerships to capture the opportunities it will bring.

The conversations on Manufacturing, Health and Retail delivered some real insights. Leveraging the power of the Cisco partner organisation  together with contacts in industry and academia, we can engage a broader stakeholder group and build on top of what is already a very successful business for everyone.

While local connections are essential it was also great to learn about the new and exciting connections that Cisco is building at a Corporate level, especially the one with  Apple. I’m genuinely impressed by all that is happening there. Many of our customers are both Cisco and Apple users. The benefits of co-development and a joint go-to-market approach could well be our trump card with strategic decision makers who value what the relationship can bring.

Cloud is another key talking point for many of our customers. Both Ann-Marie Dillon, Cloud Specialist for Ireland and Jo Laking, Operations Director Cisco UK and Ireland, gave a fantastic overview of the services on offer from Cisco and our partners. The cloud enabled collaboration future is particularly exciting. Put it alongside what’s available in wireless, infrastructure and security and it becomes truly compelling.

Every event has one speaker who captivates the audience. At the Irish Partner Forum we had two: Joan Freeman, the Founder of Pieta House and Mark Pollock, speaker, an Adventure Athlete, author and broadcaster. Both had very different stories to tell and yet both touched us all in a very unique way.

If you were one of the over 200 participants at the Cisco Ireland Partner Forum, thank you for coming and I hope we gave you some new things to talk about. However, if you missed the event on this occasion be sure to join us next year – you won’t regret it.

New Years greetings to everyone and thanks to all for your support during 2015.

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