[ { "title":"Certification", "url":"/certification/" }, { "title":"Cisco Certified DevNet Associate" } ]
DevNet Associate Guided Study Group
Led and curated by our Expert Instructor
Matt Denapoli
Developer Advocate, Cisco DevCX
Matt DeNapoli is a Developer Advocate focusing on integrations with the Meraki platform. He has built numerous workshops and simulators to teach developers how to automate network and Wi-Fi functions. A veteran of Cisco since 2007, Matt has worked in several roles in the organization from developer, to support engineer, to systems manager, and now to advocate.
He has been with Cisco DevNet since the genesis of the developer program.
Kareem Iskander
Developer Advocate, Cisco DevCX
Kareem Iskander is a DevNet Developer Advocate focused on Enterprise Networking and Automation. Kareem has a passion for bringing different technologies together to solve business problems.
He is interested in finding the best ways to enable developers to adopt a technology and build with Cisco APIs through teaching, sample code and blogs.
Enroll now with a study group that meets your unique schedule. With your enrollment in a Guided Study Group, you’ll receive:
Multi-week, step-by-step exam preparation
Dedicated learning coach for each group
Weekly structured learning sessions
Regular designated office hours
180-day access to a cert-specific e-learning and Cisco Exam Review
A community of like-minded learners
1 certification exam voucher, good for 180 days
Starting August 13th
Ends October 8th